Allow TNT
We use http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/antitnt and http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-mods/naughty-blocks which means we can have TNT enabled but then only provide users access via the permissions AntiTNT.tnt and naughtyblocks.tnt
Essentials and WorldGuard don't. If you are using Essentials and WorldGuard do this:
vim plugins/Essentials/config.yml
10 = lava :: 11 = still lava :: 46 = TNT :: 327 = lava bucket
alert: on-placement: 10,11,46,327 on-use: 327 on-break: placement: 10,11,46,327
Remove 46 from the placement line.
Ensure plugins/WorldGuard/config.yml has the following:
ignition: block-tnt: false block-tnt-block-damage: false
Find players home
/home playername:home
/home <user>:<name>
/home user:
Get user's coordinates
If you have Essentials, use /getpos PlayerName
Kill specific mob/s
/killall MobName (e.g. Blaze)
Mail players
/mail send FullPlayerName Message
To read the mail, do /mail read
To clear the mail, do /mail clear
Respawn at home instead of spawn
Change this:
When users die, should they respawn at their first home or bed, instead of the spawnpoint?
respawn-at-home: false
respawn-at-home: true
Set players home
The player can either sleep in a bed or use /sethome if they have access.
If not set, they will go back to spawn.
Set players spawn
If you have a few spawn plugins, and all go to the same spawn except when new players first join, try to do this:
/setspawn *default
Stop checking user's permissions
If you get the following message a lot in your server.log:
Essentials: checking if Player has plugin.permission - true/false
vim plugins/Essentials/config.yml
Set debug: to false.
Teleport player to you
/tpohere playername
Teleport to coordinates
/tppos x y z
Teleport to player
As OP, /tpo playername
As player, /tpa playername
Updating Essentials
mkdir /root/scripts/testing/ess-core mkdir /root/scripts/testing/ess-extra cd /root/scripts/testing/ess-core
Latest (as of 08/07/2013):
wget http://dev.bukkit.org/media/files/711/777/Essentials.zip
unzip Essentials.zip rm Essentials.zip cd /root/scripts/testing/ess-extra
Latest (as of 08/07/2013):
wget http://dev.bukkit.org/media/files/711/776/Essentials-extra.zip unzip Essentials-extra.zip rm Essentials-extra.zip
Stop the server.
Make backups:
mkdir /root/backups/essentialsBackup/ cd /home/mc/Minecraft/plugins/
Either copy or move the files/folders:
cp -v Essentials/ EssentialsAntiBuild.jar EssentialsChat.jar Essentials.jar EssentialsGeoIP.jar EssentialsProtect.jar /root/backups/essentialsBackup/ -R mv -v Essentials/ EssentialsAntiBuild.jar EssentialsChat.jar Essentials.jar EssentialsGeoIP.jar EssentialsProtect.jar /root/backups/essentialsBackup/
Copy the new version of the files into place:
Essentials Core:
cd /root/scripts/testing/ess-core cp -v EssentialsAntiBuild.jar EssentialsChat.jar Essentials.jar EssentialsProtect.jar /home/mc/Minecraft/plugins -R
Essentials Extras:
cd /root/scripts/testing/ess-extra cp -v EssentialsGeoIP.jar EssentialsXMPP.jar /home/mc/Minecraft/plugins -R
Remove the temporary directories:
rm /root/scripts/testing/ess-core -R ; rm /root/scripts/testing/ess-extra -R ; cd /root/backups ; rm essentialsBackup -R
Start the server.